Volunteering with the National Braille Production Centre
The NBPC, provides a nationwide service to primary and secondary
school children with a visual impairment. Textbooks are transcribed
to Braille, tactile diagrams and large print formats using the latest
scanning and translation software and special printers which produce
Braille dots.
At present the NBPC has 45 volunteers working from home as text-scanning
editors. Their input is invaluable for the centre and very much
appreciated on a day-to-day basis. They scan printed materials using
a standard pc and scanner to produce a text file, edit the text
file and correct errors to create a true and accurate representation
of the original. Finally they prepare the layout of the file for
conversion to braille or large print. The in-house staff then work
with this file, convert it into the formats required and edit the
file according to the requirements of the format they are working
The NBPC maintains strict confidentiality regarding all its clients and hence no information regarding
NBPC clients is shared with volunteers.
All of our volunteers have excellent computer skills, are self-motivated and are extremely
conscientious in the work they do. On average, each volunteer works 5 hours per week from home,
at a time that suits him/her best. Feedback is achieved in close liaison work with our volunteers' co-ordinator.
Extensive training is given, once an application for volunteering has been accepted.
It is just over 3 years since the start of the volunteering program. Since
then there has been a great increase in the amount of books produced
in both braille and large print here in the NBPC. This increase
is partly due to the valuable work done by our volunteers who give
up their time so generously.
There is also time for social events, our yearly summer barbecues and Christmas
parties and everyone is being kept up-to-date by the volunteers'
If you are interested in volunteering with the NBPC, please contact
Derval Nolan at dnolan@braille.ie
or phone 01-837 36 35. We are looking forward to hearing from you!